The annual competition for the most beautiful Christmas decoration and nativity scene after the vote, which took place on the thirteenth of December, has been settled.
Sixty-six students of our school took part in the competition, who made sixty-three ornaments and three nativity scenes.
Three main prizes were awarded in two categories: Christmas tree decorations and a Christmas crib.
In the category of Christmas nativity scenes, the winners were:
Adam Klopotowski class VI a – first place
Christopher Dobrzycki class VII a – second place
Patrick Klopotowski Ic class – third place
Among the winners for the prettiest Christmas tree decoration were:
Alexander Chmurak class I b – first place
Oliwia Moniuszko class I c – second place
Aleksander Kolat class IV b, Mia Czupryna class I b
and Gabriel Stepek class IVb – ex aequo third place.
The main prizes to the winners and diplomas of recognition, all participants of the competition were solemnly handed out during the school Christmas Eve.
Jola Plesiewicz