It was fabulous, colorful and joyful….

It was fabulous, colorful and joyful…. We would like to thank very, very warmly all the Teachers, Parents, Friends and Supporters of the school for their kindness and help in organizing this year’s Children’s Carnival Party. We thank all the Sponsors for their financial support. We would like to thank all Parents and Children for […]

Valentine’s Day

Saint Valentine’s Day, popularly known as VALENTINE’S Day, has already become a permanent part of the hormonogram of our school celebrations. We do not treat it in terms of a typical Lovers’ Day, but primarily as an opportunity to show cordiality, kindness and warmth to each other. To the exceptionally pleasant atmosphere of this day, […]

Wafers meeting at our school

We nurture a beautiful tradition of wafers’ meetings at the Polish School named after the late Marek. Gen. K. Pulaski for many years now. On Saturday, January 11, 2020. At the festive table sat teachers, parents and school lovers. The meeting was opened with a joint prayer by the guest of honor, Father Tomasz Wilk […]

We learn new letters – learning through play

Every child has potential and different talents. There is no other better way to stimulate a child’s development than learning through play that really works. The teachers in our school know this. Report on learning the letter “n” in class zero on the attached photos. We congratulate Mrs. Jola and Ewa on the idea and […]