Action: “Blanket for the Needy”
As part of the preparations for the Sacrament of Confirmation, young people from the Polish School of Confirmation. Gen. K. Pulaski together with her parents made 10 warm blankets for those in need.
We took the blankets to the “Anawim” community – a place that saved many Poles from death.
Founded and run by Mrs. Teresa Mirabella, the center for homeless Poles is located at the church of St. Mirabella.
Trinity. Blankets made by our families have been handed over to the Houseof Homeless Women, the renovation of which is just coming to an end.
We would like to thank our Students and Parents for a wonderful gesture, and we wish Mrs. Teresa Mirabella constant strength in the difficult work of helping people whom others have crossed out.
Photos: Chris Dobrzycki