The graduating class has 15 students this year. Most of them have been attending our school for many years. As they say, the Polish language can be learned in many places, but they want here,
patron Kazimierz Pulaski is someone, after all, and on top of that they are students of one of the two oldest Polish schools in Chicago. Everyone has had a very nervous time lately, because high school graduation is no small feat. It is held in two stages: the first is a written test on knowledge of the Polish language , Polish literature and Polish history and geography. Part two, oral, is a power point presentation on a topic chosen by each student. This year’s presentation topics , chosen by the students are: “Polish legends”, “Kazimierz Pulaski- patron saint of the school”, “Polish Nobel Prize winners”, “Frederic Chopin- life and works”, “Polish music”, “Football in Poland”, “Kamienie na szaniec”, “Nicolaus Copernicus “and several geographic presentations.
Both the oral and written midterms were very successful, the students got only A’s and a few F’s, and they can be proud of themselves. Parents, despite their nervousness, were at school all the time, helping their children with a smile, a kind word and, of course, a tasty breakfast to strengthen them. This year, six students in the graduating class also took the Polish Language Certificate exam.
It’s a big challenge, but also a lot of extra work for these people. We are proud of such intelligent and ambitious young people.
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