First Holy Communion ceremony – 05.12.2012

……Why is everyone so cheerful today?
Why is it so white around here? – you’ll ask
Because he visited us in white Opłatek
The Lord Jesus Himself – the best Friend.

On May 12, 2012, children in Class II joined the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time. Preparations for this important day took two years. The children learned the catechism, learned the Scriptures, praised and glorified God with singing and prayer, and attended Mass every Sunday.
The First-Communion Mass was celebrated by the parish priest of St. Joseph Parish. St. Rosalie Father Tadeusz Olzacki. It was a very beautiful celebration, which will certainly remain in the memory of the children, and their parents for a very long time. But memory is not the most important thing here. The most important thing is the continued encounter with the Lord Jesus in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, and this is what the children promised the Lord Jesus on the day of their First Holy Communion.

….Stay with us forever already Lord,
Because there is a long way to go……
Among the daily joys and sorrows
We will find our path to God.
Jola Klopotowski

Photos: Victor Studio

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