Polish language certified exam – 05.01-02-10

The certified exam in Polish as a foreign language for foreigners and permanent residents outside Poland is an official and official certification of proficiency in Polish.
The exam is taken before the State Examination Commission. A document certifying knowledge of the Polish language is a Certificate issued by the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language. It is an official and recognized document certifying language proficiency by Polish universities and a recognized certificate in all European Union countries.
This certificate is a very important complement to teaching in Saturday Polish schools. Having it helps you get extra credit hours at U.S. universities for knowing a foreign language. A certificate is an essential document for candidates going to study in Poland. It is treated as a certificate in establishments that require proof of knowledge of the Polish language.
The exams are held at three levels: basic (B1), general intermediate (B2) and advanced (C2).
Persons who are 16 years of age or older and who have registered can take the exam. You can now register on the website of the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language:


or at the office of the Polish School named after him. John III Sobieski.
In the Chicago metropolitan area, this exam was held for the fifth time. This year it took place at Loyola University Chicago.
The suspension of air traffic over Europe due to the threat of volcanic ash caused the postponement of the exams. It was originally scheduled to take place on April 17 and 18, 2010. Finally, students were examined on May 1 and 2.
The exam consisted of two parts: written and oral. The written part lasted 4 hours, while the oral part was about 20 minutes reserved for each examinee.
Students of the Polish School named after him. Gen. Casimir Pulaski for the third time took on the examination effort. This year, six students in the graduating class took the certified exam. They are: Anna Ciupinski, Aneta Boduch, Angelica Purpura, Patrycja Radoń, Natalia Tomczyk. These students took the exam at the – B2 level. Meanwhile, Wiktoria Kopera took the exam at the highest level – C2.
The results will not be known until June. We are keeping our fingers crossed for our students.

Agata Kopacka