Visit of Santa Claus

At the beginning of December, we start the magical time of waiting for holidays or dream gifts.
This year, December 6 – Santa Claus Day fell on Saturday.
Thanks to this beautiful tradition, each of us, before leaving for school, found in his home, some trifle hidden by Santa Claus under a pillow, in a sock or in a shoe.
On that day, to the pleasant surprise of most students, our school was also visited by Santa Claus quite unexpectedly.
A dignified guest accompanied by snowflakes carried a huge bag of gifts on his back.
He visited every class, and his arrival in the next school room was loudly announced by a ringing bell.
Each student received a package with sweets. Each class took a commemorative photo with Santa Claus, which was posted on the school’s website.
Everyone was happy about the visit, but the youngest students expected it the most

Jola Plesiewicz
Cinematography: Dariusz Pilka